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6. lecture:Ireland

Lecturer: Ivan Mikloš | Wednesday, 30. 3. 2011

In last week's lecture we briefly explained the emergence of eurocrisis and its progress in the case of Greece. Ireland is another country that about half a year after Greece, in November 2010, asked the EU for help from the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) created in the meantime for this purpose.
Marcel Slávik

červená kravata?? :o

31.01.2013 | 19:48:34
Matej Vitko

5:55 nie veritelia , ale Dlžníci prestali splacať peniaze , kt. dlžili bankám.

Samozrejme tu nechcem kritizovať nejaké malé chybyčky .
Tieto prednášky sa mi veľmi páčia a dozvedel som sa v nich mnoho nových informácií.
smile prajem príjémné sledovanie

26.10.2012 | 21:46:34