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8. lecture:What to Do?

Lecturer: Ivan Mikloš | Wednesday, 1. 12. 2010

In the previous lectures of the second trimester we have explained the different perspectives on the causes of the crisis between the Austrian School and Keynesians, and in the last lecture we mentioned how the situation developed in Japan over the last twenty years and what is the perspective of both schools on this development.
Marek Baranyai

Pekne prednasky, chcem sa za ne podakovat a vazim si, ze sa v prednaskach venuje inym problemom ako Slovenskym. Priznam sa, ze pred koncom prveho trimestra som cakal, ze v druhom si bude svoje obhajovat kroky vo vlade no nestalo sa a pribudli nove zaujimave prednasky.

02.12.2010 | 23:26:14
Daniela Hollnsteinerová

prednášky aj testy zvládnuté, Vianoce pred dverami,
všetkým kolegom /iam/ spokojné Vianoce a teším sa na stretnutie na jar. Hollnsteinerová

02.12.2010 | 20:28:16